Title Tag: Don’t Overlook This Critical Item
The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high search engine rankings.
The title tag is in the HTML code of each of your web pages, and it appears not on your web page anywhere, but in the title bar of your web browser: right next to the Chrome or Firefox logo at the very top left of your browser window.
Sometimes, just fixing the title tags of your pages can improve your rankings a lot. We see this especially in websites developed by novices. If you’ve created your own website, you may not have thought about the title tag. If that’s the case, yours may all be the same — saying something like “Home Page” or “New Page 1”. Title tags like that will only help you if you sell homes or “new pages”.
You need to have your keywords in your title tags
You should have different title tags for every page because you should have different target keywords for every page. You can include your company name on some or all of your title tags, but keep in mind that the search engines only display the first 10-12 words or roughly 60 characters, so if your page is focusing on critical keywords, make sure they’re within the first 60-80 characters of your title tag. An easy tool to check this is a SERP simulator. Here’s a quick example of how a title tag appears in a Google search engine results page (SERP):
The words in your title tags show up as the headline for your listing on the search engine results page, and changing them to be more appealing or informative to potential customers may result in more click-throughs as well as higher rankings.